Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Great Ladder Workout on Treadmill

If you are like me, you get tired of just running on the treadmill and want something to do to change things up. My wife told me about a ladder workout to do on the treadmill that I am addicted to now, so I want to share it with those that are looking for something new to do on the treadmill.

There are all kinds of "Ladder" drills that you will find out there. I remember running these drills during both cross country and track during high school. The days that I would be able to do the same workout that Coach Becker would have us do, are way out of my ability right now. I have done a couple different variations of the drill, and you will probably change it up to fit what your abilities are as well. The key to running these drills is to run/walk at a consistent pace both up and down the ladder. The workout takes just under 35 minutes, and I average about 400 calories burned. I change mine up, where I add an incline from 1% incline to a 2% incline. As you start to get stronger at it, bump up the speed for both the walk and run.

Good luck, come back and let me know how it went for you!