Monday, December 10, 2012

Don't Go Over the Physical Cliff with Holiday Eating

With all the talk of the fiscal cliff that our country seems to be moving towards, it makes me think of years past when I would go over the physical cliff with the holiday foods and treats.

My family is really big on tradition, from holiday activities to holiday foods. That is one of the things that I love the most about spending the holidays with my family. Unfortunately, in the past for me, it has lead to over-eating and weight gain. The holidays don't need to lead to either of these choices. Instead we just need to focus on a healthy balance of activity, food and fun. With all of the success that I have been experiencing, I have a few things that I am going to work on to help me through the holiday eating traditions.
  1. Plan time for some physical activity. I am planning to add regular exercise into my daily routine, which will help relieve some of stress, and hopefully curb the gaining of weight. Some of my activities that I am planning are; basketball, running/walking and some swimming (since I am starting to train for a triathlon).
  2. Don't skip any meals. I find that when I miss a meal, I tend to overeat during dinner. If you find that you experience the same thing, eat a light snack 30-45 minutes before your meal or before leaving to a party. A light snack doesn't mean something sweet, try some raw veggies or some fruit.
  3. If you overeat at one meal, try going light on the next. It takes 500 calories per day above your normal caloric intake for a day to gain one pound.
  4. Don't eat until your stuffed. Eat until you are satisfied. Savor your food/treats, but in smaller portions. One thing that has helped me by being on the WIO diet, is by eating smaller portions, I tend to eat a little slower, and savor the taste more. I can't believe how the food seems to taste even better now that I can't overindulge when eating meals, and knowing what is on my plate, is it making me want it to last.
  5. Be realistic. Don't try to lose weight during the holidays, instead try to maintain your weight. For me, I lost weight over Thanksgiving, and I plan to for Christmas as well. If you follow the steps listed here, it will help you maintain where you are right now.
Good luck with the holiday eating, and come back and let me know what worked and what didn't for you!

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