Wednesday, January 2, 2013

9th Week on WIO

December 24th - December 31st, 2012
I would say that this week was probably one of the toughest weeks that I have experienced being on the WiO Diet. Going home to spend Christmas was definitely great, but watching everyone eat Mom's great home cooked meals was a little more difficult that I had originally envisioned. The very first family meal was on December 23rd, and I wanted to eat what everyone else was having. The WiO folks have come out with what is called the "Inhibitor Pill", which is supposed to blog a percentage of the fats, carbs and calories. I brought 5 of them with me to Washington, but had really wanted to only use three of them. I had thought that I would take one of the pills that first Sunday dinner, and was surprised at how many of my family members were encouraging me to NOT take one and to stay strong. I didn't take one...I stayed strong, but I have to admit, I wasn't incredibly happy that night. I was pretty frustrated and didn't feel like my normal self.

When Christmas Eve came rolling around, I new that I was going to be ok, as we traditionally have foods that I was going to be able to eat. I only missed out on the potato salad and rolls, but I knew that I would have some rolls the next day.

Christmas day wasn't too bad. The smell of cinnamon rolls was definitely there, and it was tough not to eat them, along with the hot chocolate and candy canes, and the oranges. But I had in the back of my mind the dinner that I would be enjoying, as I knew that I was going to take the "Inhibitor Pill" that night. I can't even begin to describe the tastes of food that I enjoyed that night. My family traditionally has mud pies (ice cream, oreos, fudge and whipped cream) for dessert, however, a couple nights before we had a dessert that is my favorite of all, so I held out for that. The taste was amazing, it took me about 5 minutes to eat a little tiny piece, as I wanted to enjoy every single bite that I was eating. It is interesting to think back upon it and realize that I probably enjoyed the whole meal a lot more, as I really took my time eating it.

New Years Eve wasn't really that tough, as my family really went out of there way to make sure there were some great tasting snack foods that I was able to eat without having to take another pill.

Overall, I felt that the week went really well and that I had some really good workouts this week. Looking back now, I am not sure that I would recommend to anyone that is participating in the WiO Diet to take the "Inhibitor Pill" as I felt that it actually made me crave food more and I found myself justifying that I could eat something because I had taken one. Stay strong and try to stay away from taking one if it is at all possible.

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