Tuesday, January 29, 2013

30 Day Challenge

As many of you know, I have been working hard at taking control of my life and getting healthy again. In the last year, I found out that I had Type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, high cholesterol, and borderline high blood pressure. Of course I knew I was obese, but I was naive about the rest of it until I met with my doctor. Having any one of the two of these symptoms is what some people call metabolic syndrome. When you have metabolic syndrome, it is incredibly hard to lose weight. Three months ago to the day, I started a program called the Weight is Over (WiO). The whole idea behind it is to give your pancreas, liver and stomach a reboot. Rebooting your pancreas, liver and stomach isn't a medical term, just a great description of what it does.

I decided to do the WiO program because I knew that my health was deteriorating, and I didn't want to leave my wife and my daughter without a husband and a father. Every time I feel like I want to quit, I think of my reason why I am doing this, and it makes me stay strong. In the three months since I have been doing this program, I have seen great success! With a total weight loss of over 60 pounds and nearly 50 total inches lost, I haven't felt this good in a long time. I now only have one more month before the program is over, and I am hoping to be down another 30 pounds!

So, to the title of this post . . . The 30 Day Challenge! I want to challenge anyone that has any of the following symptoms to look into this program and try it for 30 days.
  • Overweight
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Elevated Cholesterol
  • High Glucose levels or Diabetes
  • Fatty Liver
If you live in Utah, specifically Utah County, you can contact Rich at Elevate Fitness in Orem by calling:


Let Rich know that I referred you over to him, and that you want to take part in the 30 Day Challenge. If you don't live in Utah, or in Utah County, you can still contact Rich and he will be able to set you up to participate in the 30 Day Challenge.

Below is a video that I had been asked to participate in, and elaborates more on the 30 Day Challenge from my point of view.


  1. Wow. Well done. That's a scary rate of weight loss though. ~5 lbs a week. Did the doctor say that was ok?

    1. Thanks Nate. Yeah, I have been reporting to the doctor each week on my weight loss. He is extremely happy with the results and wishes that some of his other patients would be as committed as I have been.
